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cabin light造句

"cabin light"是什么意思  
  • We will be dimming the cabin lights for landing
  • Cabin light will be dim for takeoff
  • On a west jet flight with a very " senior " flight attendant crew , the pilot said , " ladies and gentlemen , we " ve reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights
    在某西捷航班上,加配了一位非常“年长资深”的空乘人员,机长广播说: “女士们先生们,我们已经达到巡航高度,并将调暗机舱灯光,以便您的舒适和改善您空乘人员的容貌。 ”
  • It's difficult to see cabin light in a sentence. 用cabin light造句挺难的
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